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This typing is getting tiresome and laughable
>Some Psychic types from previous gens got the Fairy type in gen 6
>Only (Mega) Gardevoir was viable
>I assume they hope for this typing to be decent since the Fairy type practically carries the typing while the Psychic type only helps against Poison
>Tapu Lele was viable in Gen 7, with Mega Gardevoir dropping in usage
>Hatterene and Galarian Rapidash are introduced in Gen 8 but only Hatterene is used mostly because of her ability and Trick Room
>Gen 9 introduces Scream Tail, being Psychic for no reason
>Nobody uses her
Ironically, Espathra was way more used and only because her ability is her pillar, yet she could've benefited from the Fairy type this time.
Rapdiash has absolute no reason to be Psychic, she would be much better without it. It seems to me they are just desperate to make the Psychic type work again. They ruined it and no idea how to improve it