>>47858742Gligar is one I think most people would be extremely skeptical and hesitant on. Quite frankly, I'm hesitant on it myself and go back and forth whether to go through with it or make it more "vanilla" and scrap the extra mons here. This version of Gligar goes all in on it's Alien origins. The "normal" Gligar remains, albiet with Gale Wings as its ability, and a new typing, but the beta Gligars are a new form that, while weak, would be able to evolve into the mon Ridraxe, based on one of the very early designs. (Ignore the facehugger Gligar saying Permanent form, it would actually be the opposite). Ridraxe's typing I was unsure of for the longest time, I considered Bug/Dragon at one point, but Yanma has that typing. Ultimately, I went for Dark/Metal since Metal types were lacking. Gameplay wise, I imagine the facehugger gligar's would be in a post-game dungeon, maybe something sci-fi themed? One of the areas I'd love to add is something based off of the russian islands north of Japan, that might be a cool place for a Thing style dungeon.
Namastun is a quirky catfish that trades barbs for electricity. It retains its fishlike traits with its ability though. Don't step on this earth shaker!
Shuckle's beta design gets a type, but I quite frankly think I'll change the type to... Something else. But what? Bug doesn't really fit him, and Kabutops will be Rock/Bug, and does Plant really work? Maybe if you focus on the yeast/fermentation, but still. Maybe Rock/Poison? What a strange Pokemon.
And with that, we're onto the brand new Pokemon! Here's the exciting part!