>ignore bait>ignore sleep>continue prompt posting>>46915304>Can the chest horn of a Gardevoir/Gallade glow? and why would it glow?If other sensory organs (like the eyes) can light up with psychic power, why not the telempathic horn?
The horn would light up in the event the Gardevoir/Gallade would need to sense something the eyes cannot, or if rapidly expending a lot of psychic energy, particularly if tapping into strong emotions to do so.
>How would a Gardevoir feel about you trying to fight alongside it?Depends on the circumstances. If trained and raised with conventional pokemon battles, it would consider your actions excessive. If it considers your actions reckless, you would be pulled out of harm's way. Fighting alongside a wild one would probably impress it greatly.
>Do you ever wonder why Gardevoir has always been the 'top waifu'?Top waifumon more like, and no. It's no mystery.
>How well can a Human synchronize with a Gardevoir/Gallade?I take it you don't mean the Ability that some non-Gallades have? Or is this in reverse, where the human is trying to synchronize with them?
At any rate, even though they can peer into the future and can sense emotions, they aren't any better or worse than your average psychic type at syncing up with your behavior. Obeying purely mental commands from their Trainer comes down to how unclouded and clear the Trainer's thoughts and intentions are, but they could sync well with one that can.
>Would you consider Gallade as a top tier bro/husbando?Somewhat. Fits the husbando role for Gardevoir. Being honorable or chivalrous doesn't guarantee bro status - though it helps.
>Do you have any fears involving the Ralts line?Well I suppose I fear /vp/ is getting a bit sick of all the Gardeposting in other threads
though I don't mind it[/spoler]