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It was so much better than what we actually got, and it was pretty much everything we have been clamoring for. One of /vp/'s biggest complaints about the games are how they all attempt to have this epic story about a legendary Pokemon that can affect the whole world, and how we would prefer a smaller scale tale like in Gen I and II, where you're just a kid on an adventure, and you run into some criminals.
With the Emma storyline, we got just that. We had an emotional story, about one person who we really got to know as a character, and therefore cared when she was victimized. We had a villain who for once wasn't trying to take over the world, but was instead a scientist, acting with limited resources to achieve a pretty small-scale goal but which was still quite dangerous and menacing. And, to my immense surprise, he wasn't even that bad of a guy. Yes, Xerosic was using her as a guinea pig, but unlike so many other mad scientist characters, he actually cared about her, he went out of his way to make she was never harmed, to make it so she would never know about the crimes she was commiting, and the minute things started to go wrong, he shut the suit off and turned himself in to pay for his crimes. Unlike Ghetsis, Lysandre and Cyrus were given characterizations and depicted as normal people who went off the deep end, and after being defeated they go even crazier and refuse to accept their loss. Xerosic knows it's all over and turns himself in, I thought that was great.