>>30965023I just don't liking using showdown, even though it does save on time, I really only ever used it to test my teams out a bit before I spent time breeding them in gen 6. The Litten line seems really popular this gen so I think we will be seeing a bunch more of them, which is nice. I have a 6IV shiny ditto in my copy of Y, I'm just waiting for Pokebank or if I get back home from the holidays first I might try homebrewing one of my old 3DSs and just try injecting them in or whatever.
In all honestly if Game Freak just spent a whole generation finding a way to remove or complete streamline how the IVs work to the point where it is clear to see them and simple for the player to control them without spending hours breeding. I would fucking thrilled. They keep pushing for post game to be competitive online play in the games but breeding the Pokemon for it is complete ass. Anyone who really thinks removing the IVs wouldn't improve the games overall is crazy to me as I've never heard a legit reason to keep them.