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Guzma fucked me up when you fight him in aether paradise. Pic is my team ranging from 35-38, Guzma has a golisopod, Ariados, Masquerain, and Pinsir lvls 41-40.
Took me 5 tries and lots of rage.
My biggest problem was that his Pinsir could kill any one of my pokemon 1v1 in one or two hits with brick break and X-Scissor. I ended up sacrificing starmie to toxic the pinsir and abusing the AI by baiting him to use the wrong move by switching between Mimikyu and Sandslash till he died from poison.
I think my team comp is still all right for an in game playthrough though? Once Vibrava evolves he won't be as slow and not many bugs can survive a Flygon stone edge.