Part 60: + Directory:
"INTRODUUUUUUUUUUUUCING THE FOURTH ITEM UP FOR BID... THE GRISEOUS ORB! I told you archaeologists would be all over this! This is the perfect gift for any magic orb collection! Kakeroooo! Kakeroo! Having travelled for miles and miles to reach the shores of Kalos from a region far far away, this artifact is said to hold a power so mystifying, there are rumors that it may even come from another dimension entirely!"
As if it wasn't bad enough that all of the previous bids were littered with clingy people wanting a slice of your apple pie, this bid manages to attract the attention of every bidder in the audience. It seems like everyone's into orbs these days, and they show that lustful pride by raising their signs in a heartbeat, pitching prices that quickly get shot out by the other.
"Well shit, I knew this 'Grievous Orb' was a priceless artifact but I didn't think EVERYONE would be into it!"
Korrina yanks your collar, pulling you inches away from her face, "GRISEOUS, not Grievous! And of course everybody's gonna want their mitts on it, Calem! Didn't you hear the talking cuckoo bird? IT CAME FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION!"