Charmeleon died to a crit Selfdestruct from a Koffing. Godammit.
Usually when I get mad like this I stop holding back and grab actual good pokemon so welcome Staryu to the team. It's another LeafGreen exclusive and I heard it's broken. I'm also low-key thinking about ditching Primeape. The more I think about it, Fighting has really awful matchups for the rest of the game.
>>55247386I forgot Gen 2 does that, lol. I'd still go for it anyways since Teddiursa is a rare pokemon but you do you.
>>55247460Yeah I know Leech Life sucks but in a non-Potion run every little bit helps. Also it's weirdly the only physical healing move in this game so you can shrug off all the damage from glass cannons like Kadabra.