>>16243211I was thinking... What would the evolution line for Dyngheist be? Pic related.
Evolution idea 1: Starts off as a normal type dingo Pokemon ( Someone else can design it, I can't think of anything that looks good ). At level 30 and above, it evolves if you give it a rare candy after it has fainted. The Dingo evolves into Dyngheist - a Normal/Ghost type Pokemon (So it's like it has died and come back as a ghost (suggested by New York and some anons)). If Dyngheist breeds, it produces eggs of a pre evo (which again, someone can redesign, my current idea is that it's similar to Zorua in some aspects - creative, I know) as it wouldn't make sense for a ghost's offspring to be a normal living thing as opposed to another ghost. Pre evo evolves with a dusk stone or something.
Evolution idea 2: We throw everything in the last idea out the window and we make Dyngheist the Lucario/Zoroark of Nullos. In the threads a Dingo was suggested quite a lot for the Lucario/Zoroark esque and Dyngheist is Dingo/Tylacine based. It's simple - the pre evo, at level 30 and above has high friendship (friendship value is 220 or higher) and evolves into Dyngheist. Dyngheists produce pre evo eggs.
Any thoughts?