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Alright, I’m going to fucking say it, I’m sick and tired of seeing Hypno in Pokémon rule 34. It’s by far the most overrated Pokémon pornstar out there. Yeah sure, it has hypnosis, but you know who else has hypnosis? Malamar. Malamar’s Pokédex straight up says:
“It wields the most compelling hypnotic powers of any Pokémon, and it forces others to do whatever it wants.”
“When it comes to strong hypnosis, there's an endless number of people who utilize Malamar for their nefarious deeds.”
If that doesn’t scream “rape” I don’t know what does. But I get it. You Gen 1 fags want to see porn of Gen 1 Pokémon. But you know who else gets hypnosis? Ninetales with its delicious knot, Rapidash with its huge horse cock, Poliwrath with its powerful man hands and ability to literally cum buckets, and my personal favorite, Gengar. Gengar can hypnotize AND paralyze, just in case you want your victim to be aware of what’s happening to them, but be unable to fight back. Bottom line: STOP FUCKING MAKING SO MUCH PORN OF HYPNO!