>>19915572"You! Give back my hat! I can't have a full head of hair without a full head of hat!" the euphoric crow slips his wings through the bars and tries to get Alice to give back the hat, but she refuses to budge.
"Come ooooooooooon! Give it back! You are embarrassing me in front of my friends and equally mutual acquaintances!"
All Alice does is slap his wing away, "No way, brosé!"
This is when a Blaziken cuts in to try out his own idea, "Let me try something, chum." he takes out his car keys, sticks them through the bars, and jingles them over Alice's head.
"Look little girl, KEYS! JINGLING KEYS!" the chicken exclaims.
"JINGLEJINGLEJINGLE!" the keys are sentient and say the one word they know in a repetitive, sing-songy fashion.
A) Fall for that ruse.
B) Alice says she's too old for that.
C) Alice takes his keys too.