>>32420710Gen 3 games are my favorite but it's basically a fact that the new Pokemon roster had the largest amount of forgettable underpowered filler trash in the whole franchise:
>Luvdisc>Volbeat/Illumise>Roselia (before it was saved by an evo)>Relicanth>Cacnea/Cacturne>Nosepass>Gulpin/Swalot>Solrock/Lunatone>Plusle/Minun>Shuppet/Banette>Chimecho>Spinda>Spoink/Grumpig>Surskit/Masquerain>Castform>Clamperl and evos>Torkoal (before Drought)>Snover/Glalie>Barboach/Whiscash>Carvahha/Sharpedo (before ORAS put them into spotlight)>Numel/Camerupt (see above)It was also second only to Alola in pushing the "lol everything is slow" meme