>>41841534This thread feeds autism.
Opticoid (Eye Guy)
Type: Normal
Stats: HP-85 / Atk-100 / Def-70 / SpA-125 / SpD-70 / Speed-95 (BST=545)
Abilities: Keen Eye / Hustle / (HA) Compound Eyes
Notable Moves: Hyper Beam, Charge Beam, Signal Beam, Ice Beam, Fire Blast, String Shot, Acrobatics, Miracle Eye
If you wanna go the extra mile, you can use smogon's stat bias to help you think of an alien's potential stats.
Less than 25: Horrible
25-49: Bad
50-74: Poor
75-99: Below Average
100-124: Above Average
125-149: Good
150-174: Very Good
175-199: Excellent
200-224: Fantastic
Greater than 224: Amazing