HGSS playthrough me and my friends started on my birthday, even for a birthday shiny i plan to keep for the whole thing.
>>44181008>no evolutionssounds like he’ll but also fun. I can see that creating a really interesting team in the future. hope you have a good time with it anon.
>>44180905>Linoonefunny. how is Avalugg? i’ve had him on my radar for a theoretical XY replay forever
>>44180771Type overlap is excusable since it’s Carnivire. You must’ve been in the great marsh forever, huh? Congrats on the win, anon.
>>44180470Where are you one BW2 currently anon? Shame about the bad DEF stat on Krookodile, but i think you can get away with a bad nature in single player.
overall everyone got good teams as always. i love team threads