What powersaves CAN do:
>Clone (Up to a whole box at once)>Shinify (Up to 10 'mons at once, but 'mons that are shiny locked can't be traded back to you. Also can't be nicknamed afterwards)>Make anything 6iv (Up to 10 'mons at once)>Change any IV to 0, 1, 30 or 31 (One 'mon at a time)>Natures (One 'mon at a time)>Get you items/berries, although they may say no to multiples as they'd have to trade you as many >pokemon as you need of that item.>Unshinify 'mons (One 'mon at a time. The OT will become the powersavers, but still can't be nicknamed)>Change form of Floette, Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist, Vivillon, Shellos/Gastrodon, Basculin, >Burmy/Wormadam, Deerling, Furfrou, Unown (You can change genie and deoxys form in game)>Change the region of a 'mon to US, UK or JP (One 'mon at a time)>Change balls (One 'mon at a time)>Give pokemon pokerus (One 'mon at a time)>Generate event 'mons from gen 6 that have happened (Recent events will not likely be able to be done shortly after launch)What powersaves can NOT do:
>Change abilities>Generate 'mons for you>Get certain moves>Evs>ID/SID/PID>Nickname>Ribbons>Edit location caught (i.e. route 7, but I want route 10. Born in Kanto, can't change to Johto)>Specific levelsPlease make your request in your first post along with FC. Be patient with savers. Both make life easier on us.