Quoted By:
>Says this after trailer is shown
Color me the fuck surprised.
Also, chinks are clearly hiding split starter evos (although I don't know how that'll work, probably version exclusive because fucking Game Freak). You can't trust them on ever telling everything outright, they're always known to have jokes up their sleeves. They're sadistic in a way.
>Popplio's description clearly stating it as a performer seal
>Meaning it's vague enough to go either way (??? - singer/idol)
>Litten's description clearly stating it as calm, yet passionate
>Meaning it's vague enough to go either way (calm - passionate)
>Rowlett's description clearly stating very obvious characteristic owl things
>Meaning it's vague enough to go either way (??? - archer)
Don't fucking ask me what the other evos are about, fuck if I know, but this stinks of chink ruse of the highest caliber. This might very well be a big ass marketing ploy, I'm surprised the Riddler for instance is still going at it even though he posted INSIDE PRODUCTION photos.
On another news, wouldn't mind toucan mon, I wonder how it'll be.