>>57239825>AurorusIt is always bullshit when Pokemon in romhacks lose moves that they can learn in the base game, but Aurorus is insanely good, so the rest of your post comes off as just kinda whiny to me.
I'm doing a randomized run where I enabled the Nuzlocke capture ruleset but I'm not actually playing it as a Nuzlocke because that would be masochistic. Anyway, early on my pool of mons was not very good, but I got an Aurorus so I was kinda just making do, but even as I've gotten much better mons including legendaries, I've kept Aurorus on my team the entire time. Don't underestimate multiple stacking abilities that reduce super effective damage. There are a lot of times where Aurorus just sweeps teams by itself, and even when it doesn't it always goes better than 1:1. The super effective damage reduction abilities give it a lot more bulk than its stats would let on, and recovering 1/8th hp + leftovers every turn negates a lot of additional damage. And then I still throw Aurora Veil on there because that's valuable in cases where you're gonna sac it anyway. The weather setting abilities I find are often "enough", but stuff like the Aurora Veil setting moves I often find are not "enough", though actually casting Aurora Veil is "enough" a lot of the times.
Anyway, Aurorus has been a staple on my team this run. I have replaced every single Pokemon on my team at some point, but not Aurorus. It's been there the whole time.