>>55330574imagine being so fucking brainwashed that you honestly believe BDSP was bad. FR/LG already set the bar so high for a remake then HG/SS comes in swinging as not only the best remakes but the best games in the entire franchise. with expectations through the roof, we finally get a glimpse of a gen 3 remake, the one that was prophecised to be better than we could even imagine...and we got fucking nothing. we got LESS than nothing. several elements of the game straight up removed, butchered the remains and tossed in that sad excuse of a battle frontier reference. the single lowest moment in all of pokemon right there, concentrated in the worst remakes in the franchise. echoing the horrible performance of the ruby/sapphire release it would forever mark the point of no return. a horribly ugly game with no redeeming features whatsoever. emerald is infinately more replayable than that slop. and then after such a disappointment, your hopes couldn't get any lower. the least you could ask for is a return to form, without fucking up any of the mechanics, any of the features or any of the memories...and then comes bdsp. right out the gate telling you first and foremost this is a remake of gen 4 without gamefreak's trademark bullshit. no gutted mechanics, no removed content, and an art style that perfectly emulates the look and feel of the ds-era sprites. no more ugly bobble-heads that started with gen 5 and never left the main series, just an honest to goodness faithful remake. it didn't need to be completely rebuilt, it didn't need a lore retcon, it didn't even fucking need to be a remake of platinum. it was a remake of diamond and pearl and it did it right. after the emotionally crippling disappointment of oras and each subsequent game showing gamefreak's inevitable ineptitude, we finally get an honest fucking remake. and all you fucks could do was cry that it wasn't ultra giga nigga remake 3000 that sucks your dick while you play it. fuck you.