>>34411772Steel type can fairy easily be attributed to personality traits like "fists of steel" or "iron-hard will" or "heart of steel".
I imagine it's something of a stern and reserved/stoic type, with occasional elements of chivalry and valiance. Steel is grey, cool and resilient. A Steel type personality may be cruel or kind, but in either case, has a reputation for acting controlled and stolid. They are nearly always private, or at least formal.
They are "hard", no-nonsense personalities that are unwilling to relent, or to give up; perhaps to the point of their own detriment.
If they even HAVE a soft side, it'll be very, very well guarded or selectively displayed. The type of person who will voluntarily die to protect you, even though prior to that, they had never even admitted they liked you. They won't just have a stiff upper lip when trouble's about to go down; they're always like that They may be affable in an aloof kind of way, but they are also uncompromising.
Their main weakness (to them,) is emotion. And also not recognizing that they SHOULD give up in certain situations, otherwise they will harm themselves.