>>44572857>>44572788I'd say using some combination of anime and game logic, Riolu & Buneary are basically the only two Pokemon that really fit the style of a Digimon evolution.
They both evolve via freindship meaning a Riolu/Buneary will never become a Lucario/Lopunny unless it bonds with someone (Human or not) and it will never be able to control itself if you mega evolve it without a strong bond and trust between one another (Similar to Dark Digievolution). It would go one step closer to digimon by having the Bond Phenomena added to the mega form or give it another evolution based around friendship & Affection. The pieces are there they just have to be put together, for example:
>Riolu (Evolves via reaching 220 Friendship)>Lucario (Evolves again by reaching 255 friendship, level 50, and Maxing Affection)>True Bond Lucario (Has a Mega From)