>>21136155"I'm angry, honestly if didn't respect Serena or if I wasn't in this wheelchair right now and the atmosphere wasn't as chilled out. I would've probably made an arse of myself and attacked you."
"That's always why I turn the incense on before talking to anyone about anything. I can't imagine you'll forgive me right away but I want you to know now that I'm in no way an evil man, y'know. Just someone doing their best to save a sinking ship."
A) "You're a darker skinned guy, but Serena is fair skinned with blue eyes and light hair. How did that happen?"
B) "So why did you settle around here?"
C) "So, does Serena take more after her mother or...."
D) "So be straight with me, if I stay with serena, what am I looking forward to in the next few decades?"