>it's an ultra beast>yet it's not an ultra beastOriginal Psychic/Dragon form is the Ultra Beast form. Current form was born in the Pokemon World. Just like how Cosmog is an Ultra Beast but Solgaleo and Lunala are "the Pokemon of the Sunne and Moone".
>it's battle animations looks like it's in constant painBecause it's incomplete, it probably is in a lot of pain, poor bastard.
>refracts lightIt's the Prism Pokemon after all.
>your hand freezes when touching his crystals>>30152766 explains why at the end.>has a big white hole in the back of it's headThat's actually the neck.
>only a pure psychic typeProbably used to by Psychic/Dragon.
>same battle music as solgaleo and lunalaGiratina didn't get a unique battle theme until Platinum, it also got a different form. I expect the same for Necrozma, but Game Freak are great at disappointing people.