>>47507002"Don't forget—the fight against pokephillia is an uphill struggle—make sure to write to your local congressman!" The snow fox announced, to the enormous cheer of the assembled crowd. She gathered her things primly, and that was that. The show was over.
I watched that bitch over the rim of my hat, watched her shake hands with the fans and chat up fancy people in suits. I waited, until she waved off a limo, dismissed her security, and discreetly left from the back. I waited, and then I followed her.
I caught up over an alleyway, behind some greasy restaurant in the seedier part of town.
"Guinevere." I called out, and she turned.
Bet she didn't expect to get recognized, wearing those shades and that ridiculous overcoat. But before she could speak, I wrapped my hands around her throat, and all she could give out was a strangled choke. On my hands were gloves coated in Salazzle poison, hopefully she liked the feel of them.
"Fucking sow." I spat, squeezing.
A burst of rage made me slam her head against the wall. The crunch I heard was music to my ears.
I kicked her body as it dropped into the ground, over and over, until I was finally satisfied. Panting, blood rushing in my ears, I looked down at her pitiful, crumpled shape. Where was the powerful, elegant activist from earlier?
"Oh, you little fur-rat...you don't know me. You don't FUCKING know me, bitch, but I know you."
I took off the gloves and laid down beside her. Her usual graceful form was almost unmoving—she was quietly racking in pathetic, whimpering sobs.
I decided to stroke her snowy blue fur comfortingly.
"Because of you, they took away my Gardevoir, you know. My sweet, beautiful girl..."
She tried to move away from me, but a moan of agony escaped her. I jabbed her on the side sternly, and began to unzip my pants.
"Now, now—such an act cannot go unpunished. You need to make up for it, it's only fair. You need to replace her as my sweet, loving wife..."