>>4334830713/18. Overall pretty nice. Big fan of Altaria and Beedril. Don't really like Sylveon or Hawlucha that much.
>>4334845616/18. Everything but the starters are great. Ever try to use Wobbuffet in the main campaign?
>>4334868416/18. Nice to see someone else appreciate Klefki!
>>4334874516/18. Mantine and Golurk are great, and Electrode's grown on me over the past couple years.
>>4334881612/18. Nice choices in general - and nice taste in legendaries. The Gen 4 box legends are some of the best legendary designs in my opinion.
>>4334892913/18. Big fan of Gen 2, I take it?
>>4334969918/18. I'm guessing probably Gen 3, and spent a lot of time with the Gen 1 remakes.
>>4335008810/18. Not a lot in common with my tastes, but I can see why you like what you do.