http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=458wbeCd9OgSerena re-awakens in Laverre City after having trudged through a trip encompassing a dimension ridden with despair.
Good thing that despair has been forcefully shoved out the room like a pink elephant, and all that remains in its place is hope.
References aside, the first thing that Serena notices when she wakes up is that Voidore the Sacrosanct is nowhere to be found. His easel, his stool, and his Mardi Gras decorations have all disappeared. It's as if the beagle wasn't even here to begin with.
While rubbing her forehead clear of the ash from earlier, Serena looks around for traces of Voidore's presence.
Unfortunately, he really has disappeared, and all he's left in his wake to even hint towards him having been in the city is the canvas from earlier.
"Hn, is this the finished product?"
It's completed.
"Wow...I really like it now. Much better than the blank mess from earlier."
And best of all, it's dried. Everything is cemented in eternity now.
"So... I'm not too late after all. That's comforting to know.~"
The revitalized canvas is without a doubt drop-down gorgeous, but what's even more better is what the canvas leaves behind.
What she /needs/.>What does the canvas provide Serena with to rescue you?