Nihilists get the rope first, just like they prefer.
>>55993221>anything else I should keep in mind?Before you get to Ebin there's 2 main gatekeeper bosses (and optionally the hardest Route Leader) remaining. After you get to Ebin, things are going to start scaling to your highest level mon. This is either an opportunity to raise a new team with the new mons when you get there or a natural progression of your existing one. The scale tends to be +-2 depending on the fight, so it's not too autistic like other games with level scaling, but it does make the common trainers quite a bit harder. On that note, the random trainer team quality goes up quite a bit too so get into the mindset of treating a lot of them like minibosses ala victory road.
>>55993211>cannonance and vaultevourI personally found them to be incredibly good mons, although Vaultevour is definitely outclassed in the postgame and a x4 fighting weakness on a slow mon starts to rear its ugly head a lot. Specs Cannonance is always wonderful though.