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Some random thoughts:
- Tangela's prevo is very cute, is that an eye in the middle?
- Qwilfish's evolution looks like it is Water/Electric.
- Some prevos, like Vulpix and Goldeen, were rightly dropped. Very little addition.
- Chinchou's beta design evolved into a Water/Steel anchor shark?
- A Paras prevo?
- I wonder what the difference would be for that Ditto evo? Or is it a new blob mon?
- If that three-bird nest mon only had two heads, it would've been a perfect Doduo prevo.
- Are the double ghost things a prevo/counterpart to the evil Girafarig head?
- Politoed is Tentaquil.
- They actually made the Shellder thing a pokemon?
- Is that a Grimer prevo??
- Looks like Relicanth and Octillery were meant to be part Steel-typed
- Mime Jr. was meant to be in the original Smoochum/Elekid/Magby group
- I like Magby's design better here
- There WAS a Weepinbell split evo... it looks awful
- Fire seal is cool
- Farfetch'd evo... WANT
- A Bug/Steel Pinsir evo?
- We will never get Ice-type Kuriboh. :(
- That Lickitung evo is strange...
- Kingdra's design is cooler here
- Legendary mistakes
- Leafeon?