I'm the brainlet who wanted to replace the trainer sprite in emerald. I got everything all set, but how in gods name do I actually build the thing? I've been fumbling through msys2 trying to use the
cd ./agbcc
install.sh ../pokeemerald
cd ../pokeemerald
but don't have any idea what this actually means.
I figured that ./ means you drag and drop so it gets the location, so if I'm "correct", you
>cd [location of the downloaded agbcc folder], enter>drop the build.sh from agbcc folder, enter>drop install.sh, enterNow here's where it gets tricky, because I've tried putting in both the pokeemerald-master that has all the files, and making a fresh pokeemerald folder that has nothing in it, press enter. I know that it makes a depository, but for what, I don't know, because it just makes 3 empty folders.
Then cd [location of pokeemerald-master that has files], enter, and then it spits out
>/bin/bash: tools/scaninc/scaninc.exe: No such file or directory