no, no it fucking doesn't.
On /v/ those are all threads about different games.
On /vp/ its 20 threads about the same shit, and all of the threads should have just been a reply to one of the other 20 threads about the exact same thing.
From what I gathered, if we deleted /vp/ right fucking now, and moot moved all posts into relevant threads we would have /Pokemon General/ on /vg/,
Which would include Showderp threads, Nuzlocke threads, General discussion, meme spouting and shitposting. Wifi General would either be a part of this or its own thing.
A drawfag thread, a mega evolution thread, and a "pokemon players you have IRL" thread on /v/
and a thread on /a/ about how much ash sucks, and anticipation for the inevitable mega charizard transformation
Thats about 5 threads worth of content.
>>13665892image was over 4 MB and I couldn't be arsed to chop it up. I just went through about 300 threads 2 or 3 times, I don't give a fuck about the little mistakes or things I could have done better
Also, more than likely, unlike you, I produce OC and quality discussion on quite a few boards. /v/, /vr/, /vg/, /tg/, /co/, /ic/, /gd/, /mu/, /g/ and /f/ are all boards that I browse frequently while making fresh content for.
And you circle jerk on /vp/ making shitty threads that get 4 replies then die because it should have just been a post in Pokemon General, just like 90% of /vp/
Pic related, some pokemon OC I made