>>31762764Quick Rundown for everyone who wants to try this:
1. Lead Greninja+Aron.
2. The AI will generally target the Aron, unless it sees an easy KO on greninja. That also means that they will generally not use setup, status or weather moves. Generally, no guarantees.
3. If there is anything that outspeeds Greninja or is scarfed AND can knock it out, (refer to
http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/battletree/abby.shtml) SWITCH turn1.
4. Turn 1 should otherwise always be Endeavor + Mat Block, Followed by Protect + Surf, followed by Endeavor + Ice/Beam Gras Knot.
Things to remember/consider:
- Aerodactly gave me problems, so I swapped Groundium Z for Rockium Z, just to give myself a way of hitting it.
- Charizard can take a Rockslide if you intimidate the user first
- Do NOT, NEVER, under ANY circumstances, replace the Lum Berry. The Battle Tree AI ignores the Aron for the sake of using Thunderwave and Hypnosis, which will cripple Greninja. Lum Berry is essential.
- Mega Abomasnow is a hard-counter to this strategy, as funny as it sounds and running Sandstorm over Sleep Talk or Toxic on Aron might be worth considering.
- Landorus and Charizard Y are basically just filler to clean up or switch. Feel free to replace them with other things, just keep typings in mind (Greninja+Aron alone guarantee lots of fighting type moves, so bringing Tyranitar for example is a bad idea).