>>54736983>CaitlinStarted with a mirror match Jelly vs Reuniclus, somehow Reuniclus landed FIVE THUNDERS IN A ROW, the second of which paralyzed Jelly. Luckily she set up Light Screen first and could Recover without getting parahaxed. Two Shadow Balls took down the imposter. Parahax finally happened when Musharna came in and smacked Jelly with Shadow Ball after the screen went down, so I had to switch in Nestle. Cue more back-and-forth BS as Nestle couldn't 2HKO with Foul Play, so Caitlin kept healing and whittling Nestle down with Shadow Ball. Eventually she ran out of heals and Nestle killed Mush, but was in the red. Pez came in to resist an Air Slash from Sigilyph and U-turned out to Dum Dum to resist Ice Beam, who tanked a Shadow Ball and returned his own to KO the weird bird. Hot Tamale switched into a Tbolt from Gothitelle and hit hard with Flare Blitz but couldn't KO. Thinking this was the end for Tamale, the AI farted instead and went for Calm Mind, so another Blitz won the battle.
>MarshalJelly set up Reflect this time and made quick work of Throh and Mienshao, the latter I was worried the most about. More back-and-forth BS with Sawk due to Sturdy, who landed EVERY STONE EDGE and got 2 crits, eventually forcing a switch out to Pez to resist Retaliate and finish with Acrobatics. Conk also fell to a single Acrobatics.
>ShauntalPez hits Cofagrigus with a hard Crunch but is Wisped, so Whopper switches into a Shadow Ball and switches again to Nestle, who luckily avoids a Wisp. Rock Slide KOs to avoid Mummy and procs Moxie. Jellicent tanks a Foul Play and almost kills Nestle with Surf. Marshal burns through 2 heals until Nestle KOs with two Foul Plays. Golurk and Chandelure are easy OHKOs after this.
>GrimsleyPez kills Scrafty with Acro, Tamale kills Bisharp with Superpower, Whopper barely survives a crit Crunch and EQ from Krookodile to OHKO with Brick Break, and Pez finishes Liepard with an Acro.
Defeatist Acro really is broken!