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Five gyms in and it's still a total breeze. I did this same challenge with ORAS a while back, but I thought X would be harder. I can't believe I haven't had any deaths, even as the fights are starting to ramp up. I'm just so ridiculously overlevelled, even without grinding.
When my team was just Fennekin, Zigzagoon, and Ledyba, I thought for sure the latter two were death fodder eventually. They never died, so I ended up retiring Zigzagoon in his own little box to sub Roggenrola in (my team had an enormous Flying weakness).
Ledyba may look like dead weight, but it's actually saved this run. Two major, often run-ending double battles (the double Furfrou and the Machoke + Mr. Mime fights) were made a breeze via screens and Infestation support from Ledyba. Oddish has been a surprising powerhouse, too. I'm loving this run.
As much as I did this just to shit on the EXP Share, I do appreciate the fact that it's let me bring Ledyba this far. I'm basically obligated to take her to the end now.