>>37955396>>removed day/night feature added in previous gamethey have been doing this every game... just because gen 3 started it doesn't make it the cause of it, it is a staple that shows how flawed the series is, and wish they would keep building on a base to perfect it.
>>added contest gimmick that would later get removedyep, but it was something for people that may have wanted to do something other than battles. And gimmick mon ala milotic
>>evil team plot that raises the stakes but makes no senseThis is what i don't get? the teams were eco terrorists that were fringe extremists, they didn't have to make sense, as long as they could convince others it would be a good thing.
>>fire/fighting starter that looks like a man in a chicken suitIrrelevant much?
>>nicer but more boring rivalWill give you that, but at least she had her challenge that didn't give you free heals before battle that is now a staple... and speedrunners know the dreaded rival below cycling row.