General Abilities which are now locked and final:
>Iron Jaw - 96.30%>Psych Out - 92.59%>Ice Slick - 88.89%>Feedback - 85.19%>Sunbathe - 85.19%>Conundrum - 81.48%>Eccentric - 81.48%>Permafrost - 81.48%>Adrenaline - 80.77%>Content - 80.77%>Team Player - 80.77%>Lifetaker - 77.78% (Lifetaker name surveying will begin shortly)>Perforate - 74.07%General Abilities which are open to changes in value only:
>Conditioning - 66.67%>Malice - 62.96%>Stubborn - 62.96%>Brave Heart - 59.26%>Discretion - 59.26%General Abilities which are open to changes in effect:
>Allure - 48.15%>Full Force - 44.44%Regular Signature Abilities which are now locked and final:
>Spectrum - N/A (was already locked and final)>Feisty - 92.59%>Pollution - 92.59%>Mooch - 88.46%>Orbital Tide - 81.48%>Quickdraw - 77.78%>Siphon - 76.92%>Eventide - 70.37%>Forage - 70.37%Regular Signature Abilities which are open to changes in value only:
>N/ARegular Signature Abilities which are open to changes in effect:
>Overshadow - 48.15%These results will be reflected on the forum thread for New Ability Changes once the forum comes back online (
The deadline for submitting changes to any of the above abilities is Friday, Feb. 20th, 1 week from today. If the forums remain offline for any longer than today, this deadline will be extended accordingly.