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I love all of them and find it hard to rank them 1-6 but i know that Dugtrio is my favourite.
Caught a diglett on my first playthrough of Red because i thought it was cute as hell in the anime. This little fucker must have had high IVs in attack or something because he was EASILY the strongest member of my team. I've used dugtrio since then and they don't even compare to the adonis that was DobDay. Sadly i lost the cart, i would've loved to have checked his IVs.
A recent favorite. I like his movepool and design, have since i was a kid. Couldn't find a dratini when i was younger though so never used one outside of pokemon stadium until Gen V. Just seems like a jolly, laid back pokemon.
It was between Roserade and Bellossom really, i prefer roserade though because i took on Red with one. I like how bulky both of them are but it's mainly down to their design.
I named my florges after my goddaughter so there was that personal connection. Plus Florges is a beast.
love his design. Personally prefer the shiny version and believe it should have been his standard look. I like him for similar reasons as Dragonite and Roserade. Bulky, good design, 2 favorite types in 1 and really fun to use in battle. Easily my 2nd favorite Pokemon.
Struggled for last one. I chose Scizor because he is my go to Pokemon for battles. Plus i faced Red with him and i like his design.
>Honarable mentions
Gengar, Meganium, Espurr, Totodile, Machamp, Boldore, Darmanitan, Braviary, Scoliopede, Froslass, Mewtwo, Mew, Xerneas.