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Almost ever since the game's inception, people have been wondering about what it would be like. A real mainline game on a home console. A REAL mainline game on a home console. Not Stadium, not Colosseum, but a tried and true classic Pokemon game, but with all the power and capabilities afforded by being on a home console.
Let's Go was what we got. And what few of us didn't immediately have the wool pulled from our eyes remained clinging onto the hope, "Maybe Gen 8 will be the true home console experience we've wanted for years."
What we got was Sun/Moon in England, and a game that manages to look worse than other games on the 3DS. The jump from portable to console led to no improvements to anything other than resolution. Even the models, the animations, everything's the same.
Nothing changed. Things have been getting steadily worse for the past half a decade. This could have been the turning point. But nothing changed.