>アスナ 25 ジムリーダー・ほのお RS準拠 RS準拠 ○フエンタウン・ジムリーダー。トレーナータイプ「ほのお」。女、25歳。 ○ジムリーダーになったばかりで、見くびられないよう強がっている。 ●自分を育てた祖父(元四天王)と暮らしている。勝ち気な性格は祖父に影響された。 ●ジム内部が暑く、肌が乾燥しそうなのが悩みのタネ。フエン温泉は美容にも効果があるので良いと思っている。 ●アスナ(ヒノキ科アスナロ属の樹木)からのイメージ。 Asuna 25 Gym Leader ○Huentown Gym Leader. Trainer type “Fire”. Female, 25 years old. She has just become a Gym Leader, and she is determined not to be underestimated. She lives with her grandfather, a former Four Heavenly Kings, who raised her. Her winning personality was influenced by her grandfather. She is worried that the gym is too hot and her skin gets dry. She thinks that the Fuen hot springs are good for her beauty. The image of Asuna (a tree belonging to the Asunaro genus of the cypress family).
Another thing to note is that every gym leader is labeled that they're designed after a tree.