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Short story I think you guys will enjoy from earlier in the week.
>Got a Bulbasaur with Chlorophyll.
>No Bold Dittos or Bulbas to Everstone the nature to
>Check Ralts collection to see where my Bold Synchro Ralts is for Dittoing
>No where
>Probably never caught one
>No problem, I'll Dex Nav a Bold Ralts
>Hours later
>No Bold Ralts with Synchronize
>Well over 100 search level
>Rubbing Eyes
>Gotta Persevere
>Sooner or later, I'll find one
>Shiny ralts pops up
>I got a Fucking Shiny ralts before I got a bold ralts with synchronize
I got a Bold Synchro ralts, 20 catches later, but holy fuck, this game sometimes...