>hurf durf legendariesSuicune was what got me seriously into Pokemon after seeing a commercial for Crystal for the first time as a little kid.
I managed to get a Calm natured one in HG with a perfect SpAtk IV and since then I've used her for practicially every sidequest thing imaginame [movies, contests, pokeathlon, whatever].
I want to use her competitively but I have to redo all of her EVs and shit, but since then she's been the diva across my games.
There's also Odile the Haxorus who's the first pokemon I legitimately trained to lv 100 after ~15 years of playing. She's the biggest help with EV training newly hatched mons and is also used in tandem with a Sigilyph [Lucid] for sweeping the battle subway and catching legendaries.
>>14719524Same here.