From what I see I plan next playthrough of Xeno to have the following: Shulong with Shawkbird with Drizzle for Hurricanes and Thunders, Koinkoin like I've mentioned to abuse economy, Scovile because I somehow never had it and I want to see if Scovile X is any good, Tokakle to see if it's really useless, so mostly a mix of plain and overused with things I almost never see anyone have and that leaves with a potential xenomon. I never had Sharpedo or Spiritomb X before (not shown was my first team where I did have Electaburst and Shyleon), but I don't want to repeat type before league.
Then I was like, how long does it take to get Smeargle X, surely it can't be that bad right?
Why the fuck does it require surf and is still a 1% encounter unless you wait till after you get all badges in Xenoverse REEEEEEEEEEE
>>57449664You kidding right? It's the best starter out of 3 by far. Shyleon gets fucked pretty hard by Evil Team's Poison types. It's main saving grace, learning Hawthorns via Move Tutor, was added later. Fire starter isn't that, but gets outclassed by Electaburst and so many other Sound Types. Meanwhile Shulong just deals with them, is super bulky and can be used to cheese through DLCs with Acid Armor + Aqua Ring + Toxic + Signature and /w Leftovers, if you get something to setup Hawthorns on top of that then you have literally no problem.
>>57449902Congrats, you've unlocked easy mode until late game.
Wisteract just dabs on troons so hard. Moonblast from Move Reminder is just funny.