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I've never played a Pokémon game in my entire life and I only saw a few of the TV episodes and movies including the very first episode. I was confused just what exactly the games were like until I learned that they were essentially just RPGs. They sound like fun when I was described them by another community, so I have a few questions. I am only really familiar with the most common and most meme'd. e.g. Pikachu, Meowth, Squirter, Charmander, Mudkip, Slowpoke, and Abra.
Is there a greater continuity between all of the Pokémon games?
Are all of the games essentially the same thing in terms of structure and gameplay mechanics?
Do the colors and letters in the titles have significance?
Are there or are there any plans to announce a title for the Nintendo Switch?
What Pokémon games do you recommend for a beginner or someone who is completely new to the Pokémon franchise?
I apologize for being a massive Slowpoke, but the games do look like fun the more I check them out. Not sure why my interest in this franchise is growing despite never having any when I was a child in the 90's.
One more question: Pokémon are essentially just animals, right?
I felt the pic is greatly related.