>>44642939Vs Marlon
>CarracostaThe Mario Bros. use Discharge, and get Scalded in return.
Another Discharge takes out Carracosta.
>WailordDischarge causes a Full paralysis.
Another Discharge leaves it at 1 HP or thereabouts, and Wailord gets a Scald in, burning the Mario Bros.
I send Byleth in as Marlon uses a Hyper Potion.
Byleth uses Giga Drain, and Wailord Bounces into the sky.
I send Hubert in, taking the Bounce Hit.
One Foul Play later, Wailord falls.
>JellicentJellicent's Sitrus Berry gets activated by a Foul Play, but it hits back hard with a Scald Crit.
A final Foul Play wins the day.