>>42109388And this is why XY(Z) failed overall when compared to SunMoon.
People thought it was the artstyle, but no.
It was the anime having MULTIPLE chances to go and bring back an old story thread from waaaaay earlier in the series, such as bringing back Pidgeot, Charizard, or even Bulba and Squirtle and letting them fully evolve so they can Mega. They could have brought back more obscure mons he had like Glalie or Gible, or actually followed the story of the games and let Ash have a Lucario as his Mega. Why not, I mean they already shill out Lucario as hard as they can, and it's a popular Pokemon, so why not give Ash a M-Lucario? Even has a similar colourscheme.
But no.
Literally an Ash Animorph.
A god damn OC.
And people thought XYZ was good.