>>52707601Weird question but i know someone figured out a way to add in mega evolution, gigantimax, z moves, etc into essentials. How hard do you think it would be to tie all of that into a single Bond item? Like you have a set number of “bond” charges that recharge at a Pokémon center and can trigger one bond ability per match, that way you avoid the smogon National Dex bloat of having G max, x moves, megas, Terra types, etc all going off but still keep those in the game while also limiting player resources between visits.
Thought I’d that using it by default triggers a terrastalization while using it with a item equipped to the mon triggers something else. That way you can add other form changes and item effects too it without just making them megas. You can do things like bond items that just give stat boosts or give some item the effect to change abilities when you bond trigger it. Maybe some Pokémon don’t have a Terra type by default and using it on them some something different. Idk just a idea that i’m sure would be a nightmare to program.