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Okay so /vp/, I need your opinions on something
>be beginning of last week
>senior in high school
>inb4 underage b&, I'm 18
>on Pokemon Showdown
>just starting to get into online competitive battling
>in a battle during study hall
>little sophomore kid I know
>"hey anon, what is that website? Looks cool!"
>decide to humor him
>show him how it works
>kid hardly understands, but plays for shits anyway
>I go on with my day
>be today
>talking with my friend, Cody
>likes Pokemon, but is a definite casualfag
>"hey anon, I was on Showdown yesterday, and I took out a fucking Mewtwo with one Megahorn!"
>I don't even know what tier or what he was playing in, all I know is he was on Showdown
>probably thought Mewtwo was invincible because lelendary
>long story short, I unintentionally got a good handful of guys at school into Pokemon Showdown and competitive battling, including some big swagfag jocks and such
I don't know what to think. Part of me is glad I happened to bring something that they'll hopefully realize is cool and fun instead of lame, but another part of me regrets bringing a bunch of impossible casualfags who haven't talked about Pokemon since second grade into the competitive scene. What do, /vp/?
>tl;dr anon unintentionally introduces a swarm of regulars to Showdown