>>40279304You could've cut down this wall of text and still get your point across, but i agree. A well executed Z version could've been the best Pokemon game ever. Gen VI was actually fantastic in terms of the big picture improvements:
>Gamefreak's first jump into 3D and a big one at that: Over 700 3D models and animations for Pokemon had to be created along with Trainers and Locations in a pretty large map for a handheld>The single best online component in Pokemon EVER. PSS was a godsend and set the standard for Pokemon Online>M-Evos, as a gameplay concept, were actually a very refreshing way to spice up the meta and introduced the biggest and most important overall gameplay change since the Special/Phys split>Meta was almost as balanced as Gen III/IV instead of being overly reliant on single setups. Many strategies are reliable instead of only Weather Setups, Hyper Aggression, etc.>Actually took time to add some lovely extras like Pokemon Amie for EVERY SINGLE POKEMON YET along with a noob friendly way to raise EV's in the Hyper Training minigames>Introduced overworld Pokemon interaction basics like rideable Rhyhorn and Skidoos that would be later fleshed out>Region was actually pretty well developed and had good arrangement>Bottom scree in useful again, like a streamlined Poketch that houses PSS along with other QoL thingsBelieve it or not, i believe these are the games where GF actually put a quite the effort into. Unfortunately they were so caught up in the big picture that the little details that make it come to life were kinda set back
>Characters and plot are obviously an afterthought. Most are unimportant and underdeveloped. Too many friends, so no one stands out>Unimpressive Post-Game. To be expected seeing as most people just jump straight to online after finishing, but it's still a pleasant thing to haveThose two are meaningful enough to sour the experience, but there's more.
There are a couple of extra