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hi guys
I have:
4 IV Scrappy Adamant Kangaskhan with Double-Edge (premium ball)
4 IV Serene Grace Modest Togepi (quick ball)
4 IV Speed Boost Jolly Venipede with Spikes
4 IV Technician Adamant Scyther (premium ball)
4 IV Timid Magic Bounce Natu with Synchronoise (Repeat Ball)
4 IV Run Away/ Adaptability modest Eevee with Wish
4 IV Sniper/ Swift Swim Modest Horsea with Muddy Water
4 IV Unburden Calm Drifloon
4 IV Brave Honedge (with extra low Speed stat)
4 IV Impish Speed Boost Torchi with Baton pass
4 IV Jolly Sniper Skorupi
4 IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Defog and Brave Bird
4 IV Impish Overcoat Vullaby with Foul Play, Roost and Knock Off
4 IV Modest Hustle Nidoran F and Nidoran M with Beat Up
4 IV Adamant Moxie Sandile with Pursuit, Fire Fang and Beat Up
and i am looking specifically for:
4 IV Prankster Klefki
4 IV female technician roserade/ budew
4 IV female hawlucha
4 iv florges
but i may accept other offers as well, so dont be shy!