>>30927109Bibarels help a lot but even with two of them you will still need a flying type for fly and defog and (optionally) an electric for flash, another problem with the bibarels is distributing the moves, in Hoenn you can use Nuzleaf for all the non surf related moves which is wonderful because you will never need to use strength or rock smash while diving or (almost always) surfing, but with Sinnoh you end up needing to bring both slaves because you will end up missing at least one move if you want to explore everything
Here is how i balanced my slaves in platinum:
bibarel1 - Cut/Rock Climb/surf/waterfall
bibarel2 - surf/Rock Climb/rock smash/Strength
One is focused in the overworld while the other is focused in caves, i need to give both of them Rock Climb because the fucking things show up everywhere, waterfall is very occasional but i can't replace it with RS or Strength because i will end up missing the other while exploring a cave, i can't drop 1 because i might find another CUT area between a cave and another town, see what i mean?
This is different from Hoenn where all you needed was two slaves and that's it, there were only three areas in the game (two being optional) where you used waterfall and dive was only required in the ocean so you could just get a third slave, teach the moves, box it and bring it whenever you felt like exploring these areas