>>48196539It's funny how strong you can get so early in this game. Gothita can actually be traded for a Pawniard holding a Moon Stone so I could get Snorlax and Nidoking before Roxanne.
Roxanne herself was fairly easy. Her team - Aron, Amaura, Lileep, Tyrunt, Anorith, Nosepass. Hong Kong Double Kick'd Aron, I swapped to Dubai on Amaura as it does have a Chople Berry to take it down, then to Rook on Lileep to take that down.
Nosepass is annoying. I send in Moscow first, but she ends up swapping to Tyrunt. I attack it and get Red Carded out to Dubai. I swap to Paris to try and get Reflect up, but for some godforsaken fucking reason she goes for Poison Fang (???), doesn't crit, but I'm forced to switch again after my sphincter is done tensing. I send in Hong Kong and Double Kick it, then send in Istanbul to defeat Anorith. I then just spam Harden and Recover in front of Nosepass until I'm confident to start taking it down with Bubblebeam.
With her down, there's 2 new areas of Petalburg Woods accessible that I Pinwheel Clause'd thanks to their radically different encounter tables and listing on the documents.
>>48197527Yeah, good choice. I'm surprised one was generated, but it is an older Dray hack.
>>48198738Tentacruel is absolutely insane, yeah.
Hope you make more of those moments going forward, that's really what nuzlockes are about.
>>48199153>>48199623Glad to see some more finished runs. Good job anons.
>>48199224How'd the league go?
>>48199680There are some that don't have commentary, but you'll have to dig.
The "make incredibly cringey jokes and play awfully while speaking robotically" format racks up hundreds of thousands of views and that's what will get pushed on you if you try to look.