>>27152691Likewise, if we consider the amount of passion, desire, and power needed in the emotions, intellect, and instinct of a human in order to enjoy the company of another, to have sexual dominance and mastery over another human being, to fundamentally enjoy the moment of coitus as both the highest physical pleasure with the creation of a spiritual bond to boot, to enjoy sex rather than have it be another lifeless, disappointing, and mechanical function like many of our present societal standards and constraints have reduced our human functions down to, an inner fire is needed, a warm blooded and emotionally vivid instinct is needed.
For fire alone allows for the most alluring combinations and creations to be made achievable. Replace the exuberance of a human by reducing the fire in their blood and their soul, with the cold blooded, formulaic, and straight faced instinct and blood of a frog, and the very act of love and romance becomes somewhat of a trivial, bothersome affair. The procreation of frogs is accomplished without any embrace, without any grasp of the male and female essence: frogs are cold-blooded.